Construction of fence for delineating active plant site and stage 1 construction area at the San Fernando Wastewater Site
Activities at the site as at May 2015 include:
- Temporary sludge dewatering system planning and procurement.
- Finalizing route for temporary relocation of twin 66 kV high voltage lines.
- Clearing and grubbing north of Cipero River in Stage 1 construction areas.
- Removal of trees.
- Excavation and hauling off-site the septage/ sewage contaminated soil.
- Construction of temporary security fencing around site.
- Construction of engineer’s site office.
- Microtunneling alignment checks/ layout in Subcatchments 60 – Vistabella/Gulf, 70 – San Fernando South, and 25 – Pleasantville-Corinth.
- Preparation for pile testing equipment access.
- Traffic management planning, specifically related to maintaining unobstructed traffic flow to the active plant.
- Construction of the temporary and permanent water connection.